7 Great Games to Buy During a Steam Sale

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Ah, the Steam Sale… its like Christmas for the person in your family who never leaves his basement, yet somehow still has money to burn! If you find yourself in this situation and just can’t seem to figure out what to spend your hard earned cash on, take these recommendations on what games to buy during a Steam Sale!

These are games that often go on sale during the major seasonal Steam Sales during the year, and are often a few years old. However, they all get my hearty recommendation, especially for the price at which they’ll be discounted. Lets get started!

Left 4 Dead 2

Coming in at a whopping, financially ruining $0.99 on sale, Left 4 Dead 2 is arguably one of the best entertainment-for-price ratio you can dream up. Tons of absolutely free content, with 20 different sprawling maps and great base gameplay make this an absolutely must-play, especially at this price point. Not to mention the insane mod scene, ending up in endless possibilities to tailor your game just the way you want it, or turn it into an affront to god. Want to turn all of your characters into anime figures, all the zombies into Among Us cremates and the Tank enemy into a giant Shrek? Go nuts.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

People can forget how good Halo used to be, and there’s no better time to reminisce than when its on sale. 6 games for the price of less than one is one hell of a deal even when its not on sale, but picking this up on sale is an absolute no brainer. Coming in with all of the included games multiplayer (Including firefight!), forge and complete campaigns, there’s no better way to experience some of the best shooters ever made… and also Halo 4.

Dishonored 2

An excellent stealth AND combat game with 2 of the best levels in any video game I’ve ever played, I’d recommend Dishonored 2 at full price, not even mentioning the fact that it commonly goes down to only $7. The Clockwork Mansion and A Crack In The Slab make it worth the price of admission alone, and the other levels are far from shabby as well. If you love games like Thief and other stealth games, you’ll love Dishonored 2.

PREY (2017)

The 2nd Arkane game on this list, PREY is a masterclass in immersive sim design, and also has probably the best intro in any game I’ve ever played. For less than $10, and roughly 30 hour mind bending story where you can turn into a coffee cup and roll around is an easy recommend. It also have the best enemy of any video game I’ve ever played: the Mimic!

Titanfall 2

Anybody who knows me personally knows that Titanfall 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, and to go to bat against the likes of Halo 3, Elden Ring, Bloodborne and Destiny is no easy feat. Satisfying gunplay both in and out of the giant robot on the box, the best movement mechanics in any shooter I’ve ever played, a gripping multiplayer mode and the single best FPS level of all time make this a worthy addition to any shooter fan’s library.

Resident Evil 2 Remake

But lets slow it down for a second, shall we? Going from recommending fast paced arena shooters to slow burn survival horror is a jump, but its a jump you should absolutely take for this masterclass in spooky design. Resident Evil 2’s remake is a certified classic, and is worth playing for any survival horror fan, or even if you’re just getting into the genre. You will learn to fear heavy footsteps very quickly with this cheap horror package.

Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus

A great first foray into the ridiculousness that is Warhammer 40k, Mechanicus combines strategic depth and a gripping story with the unique aesthetic of Warhammer’s Adeptus Mechanicus. Taking control of an expedition to an unknown world, you’ll take on the dangerous Necrons on their home turf against a ticking clock of annihilation. A great tactics game in its own right and a satisfying foray into the Warhammer universe for both newcomers and grizzled veterans of the setting, Mechanicus gets an easy recommend from me.

There are plenty of great games to buy during any Steam Sale, these are just some of my favorites. If you have your own favorites, feel free to let us know! Looking at this article outside of a Steam Sale? Check out our list of cheap games that are cheap all year round!

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