Spin To Win With This Endgame Diablo 4 Barbarian Build!

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Tired of NOT killing everything around you in 5 seconds in Diablo 4? Want to make everyone playing with you jealous of your insane Beyblade skills? Read on to find out how with this Diablo 4 Barbarian build utilizing the Whirlwind ability!

Right, lets keep this intro short and sweet so you can get onto the good stuff. I’ll be separating this build out into sections of the skill tree, so as you spend your skill points, just follow along and you’ll be fine. For each skill we’ll use, I’ll also be using a format to tell you which level that skill should be, and how far along in that skill’s tree you should be as well. Here’s a small example using the subject of today’s guide:

If I go “Whirlwind (5)>Enhanced Whirlwind>Furious Whirlwind”, your skill tree for Whirlwind should be a Level 5 Whirlwind, going into Enhanced Whirlwind and then Furious Whirlwind, something like this:

Simple enough, right? Great! Lets get into it. We’ll be sectioning this off using each section of the skill tree, with screenshots to help you out.

Diablo 4 Barbarian: Basic Skills

Your Basic skills should look as follows:

Lunging Strike (1)>Enhanced Lunging Strike> Combat Lunging Strike

Diablo 4 Barbarian: Core Skills

Whirlwind (5)>Enhanced Whirlwind>Furious Whirlwind

Ignore the blue numbers, those are just skill points my gear gave me, which you aren’t guaranteed to have!

Diablo 4 Barbarian: Defensive Skills

Rallying Cry(1)>Enhanced Rallying Cry>Strategic Rallying Cry

Iron Skin(1)>Enhanced Iron Skin>Strategic Iron Skin

Challenging Shout(5)>Enhanced Challenging Shout>Strategic Challenging Shout

Diablo 4 Barbarian: Brawling Skills

War Cry(1)>Enhanced War Cry>Power War Cry

Booming Voice(1)>Raid Leader(3)

Aggressive Resistance(3)>Prolific Fury(3)

Diablo 4 Barbarian: Weapon Mastery

Pit Fighter(3)> No Mercy(3)

Hamstring(1)>Cut To The Bone(2)

Thick Skin(3)>Counteroffensive(3)

Diablo 4 Barbarian: Ultimate Skill/Key Passive

Call Of The Ancients>Prime Call Of The Ancients>Supreme Call Of The Ancients

Unbridled Rage

Aspects/Uniques To Watch Out For

For this build, you’re going to want to get anything that buffs your Whirlwind. Hitting bleeding enemies is also nice to have, thanks to our Hamstring, sword mastery and Cut To The Bone. Anything that heals you when enemies are close to you is also great to have. I have enjoyed using Grasping Whirlwind, Offensive Whirlwind, and bold Chieftain’s Whirlwind to keep shout uptime and drag enemies closer to you. As for Uniques, Gohr’s Devastating Grips is the obvious choice here.


Your strategy for this build is really simple. Simply walk into a crowd of enemies, pop all of your shouts to get your buffs, and start hacking away at enemies. Use Call of The Ancients on massive hordes and Elites, and Gohr’s explosion will clear hordes and potentially even one-shot tougher enemies. Just keep spinning, you’ll be fine.

And that’s that! Have fun becoming Sanctuary’s greatest Beyblade Champion with this Diablo 4 Barbarian build for endgame! If you’re still working on hitting level 50, check out my early game build!

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